Dal 31 ott0bre 2023, la Prof.ssa Marina Morbiducci non è più in servizio presso il Dip. di Studi Orientali, in quiescenza.

Collabora come docente a contratto per Sapienza, come alla voce "Didattica".

Qui di seguito una brevissima sintesi di alcune attività svolte:


22.02.2024,  Convenor (with Mena Mitrano), "Celebrating Gertrude Stein", Centro Studi Americani, Roma,  for full details:

5.04.2024, Respondent at International Symposium:  "The Making of Expatriates: Cultural Flows and Adaptability", Ca' Foscari, in the talk by Max Saunders (Interdisciplinary Professor of Modern Literature and Culture, University of Birmingham), “‘My dear confrère’: Ford Madox Ford and Gertrude Stein”.

Selected Speaker at International Conference "Crossing Boundaries. Literary and Linguistic  Intersections in Modernist Studies", Roma Tre University,  22-24 May 2024,  with a talk on "Translating Gertrude Stein And/In-Difference".



14-15 Aprile 2023

Organizer and Convenor: 

Convegno:  "Indicibile &dintorni"

for full dertails:


6 .03.2023


Prof. Marina Morbiducci

March 6th, 2023, 3.00 pm, room 110 Marco Polo

Special feature:

Valentina Rossini: “Bilingual reading and its meaning. Myths and prejudices on its ‘counterproductivity’”

Massimiliano Bellavista: “Raccontare breve: una questione di ‘Equilibrium’”

In this lesson Massimiliano Bellavista and Valentina Rossini will share their expertise as author and translator, joined in their collaboration for the bilingual edition of Equilibrium, published by Vice Versa, London.

Valentina Rossini will open the meeting with a talk on: “Bilingual reading and its meaning. Myths and prejudices on its ‘counterproductivity’”, then Massimiliano Bellavista will engage the audience discussin the topic of “Raccontare breve: una questione di ‘Equilibrium’”, also presenting short excerpts, in original and translated version, from his works.

The texts presented will be inserted in the final syllabus of the course E2 /23 Why Translating Matters.

Attending students and all the students of English at ISO Dept. are welcome and invited to participate.



progetto di officina letteraria multilingue approvata dal Dipartimento ISO.

Per maggiori dettagli:


gennaio 2023

Si segnala l'uscita dell'articolo su Charles Tomlinson, MEROPE, ANNO XXXII - N. 77 - Gennaio 2023 - 

Marina Morbiducci, Charles Tomlinson: An Englishman & the Others, pp. 73-94.


19 dicembre 2023

Massimiliano Bellavista parla della sua opera bilingue Equilibrium, 2022, E-3 LM-36.


5 dicembre 2022

Enrico Terrinoni svolgerà una lezione su "Tradurre Finnegans Wake in Infinitalian" per gli studenti del corso E-3  LM-36.




E' appena uscito l'articolo "Charles Tomlinson: Converging Borders", sulla rivista Semicerchio ("A" ranked),  LXIII:2(2020), pp. 91-100. 

L'articolo tratta della poesia di Tomlinson ispirata dal contatto con il paesaggio italiano, e la sua poetica della liminalità viene affrontata traduttologicamente.

Segue breve estratto:

Charles Tomlinson: Converging Borders  by Marina Morbiducci


 This paper discusses the work of Charles Tomlin-son, the British poet described by Andrea Sirotti2 asan author whose work has received a fair amount ofattention in the past twenty years in Italy, but not as much as it deserves, considering his stature and overalloutput. Professor Emeritusat Bristol University, critic,translator, world-wide traveler and painter, with a refi-ned mind and a boundless culture, Tomlinson was the recipient of major poetry awards and published morethan twenty books of poetry [some of which exhibitedexperimental composition techniques, such as Renga (1971)]3. In the words of Judith P. Saunders, «[u]nsur- prisingly, Tomlinson’s life and career reflect the sameenergetic interest in cross-cultural convergence thatinfuses his poetry. Travel and residence abroad haveplayed a major role in his development as a poet»4.

Considering his significance as a contemporary poet whose work encompasses a range of cultures, languages and aesthetic currents, Tomlinson certainly deserves critical attention, but for Italian scholars andtranslators there is an additional reason: his close ties to the Italian landscape and his deep and detailed knowledge, knowledged gained quite literally «in thefield».

This paper aims to revisit some of the poet’s mainmotifs that were inspired by his Italian journeys and extended stays in the country, with a threefold objective: firstly, to draw critical attention to Charles Tom-linson’s poetry within the Italian academic world fiveyears after his death; secondly,to stress the cogencyof Judith P. Saunders’ critical approach, which postu- lates the interpretive key of «border»; thirdly, to suggesta reading of Tomlinson’s poem Piazza inspired by thenotion of liminality and aporia while investigating hispostmodern deconstructive procedures.

Charles Tomlinson and the Italian  Landscape as poetical initiation

 The influence of the Italian landscape on interna- tional writers is a given for many British and Ameri- can authors from different periods, but in the case ofTomlinson, in particular, his coming to Italy also coin-cided with his very first steps as a poet, representinga form of artistic initiation:«[h]is first extended foreignstay coincides, as he explains, with ‘the experience of beginning to write poems (my first real poems) in Italyin 1950-1951’»5.

More specifically, Tomlinson spent his first stay inItaly at Percy Lubbock’s Villa degli Scafari, near La Spezia, where he first assisted the critic as his perso-nal secretary; when that job ended, he was then ho-sted in an annex on Lubbock’s property by the sea. This sojourn in Liguria sparked the first glimmerings of travel poetry by Tomlinson, as the poet was stronglyinspired by the contact with the local landscape. [...]

 semicerchio   LXIII 02/2020               



E' stato svolto il webinar di due ore in streaming online su "Bob Dylan: In and Out of Time".  Rientra nel programma LIC di TESOL  Italy, grazie al contributo dell'American Embassy.

E' possibile ascoltare la registrazione contattando TESOL Italy ( o visitando il sito


TIES Conference, Naples, L'Orientale, 27-29 February 2020

 Marina Morbiducci


Connecting languages and cultures: The “Ties” trial.

In Juliane House’s  book Translation as Communication across Languages and Cultures (Routledge, 2016), translation clearly emerges as cross-linguistic and cross-cultural form of communication, in which various ideological, political, and educational issues get interlaced.

In subscribing to House’s view of translation as occasion of intercultural communication, we particularly share three of her central concepts, that is: - translation as fundamental part of Applied Linguistics (which, as House herself points out in her Introduction to the book, is quite different from “linguistics applied”); -the role of translation in multicultural societies (and nowadays we are no doubt experiencing a multicultural scenario in our societal and educational environment); - translation as recontextualization under the influence of English as a global lingua franca (if the target language is English,  in present times of WE- and  ELF- options,  we must beforehand attune our translatorial action choosing a specific variety of English – and its corresponding linguacultural variation).

Within the ideological frame of reference of the diversified themes involved in the TIES Conference, we would like to connect the three points above mentioned in carrying out our analysis of Jhumpa Lahiri’s translation of Domenico Starnone’s novel titled “Lacci”: the translation of this original title - casual lexical coincidence wants – comes out as “Ties”; we argue that beyond the surprising similarity of this title with the Conference acronym, there is a whole lot of revelatory truth in the concept expressed by the very term. Both authors, who are “tied” by a strong sense of comradeship and collaboration as writers, express in their own respective linguacultural system a deep sense of affiliation to the linguistic scenario that are describing. The rare case of Lahiri switching, also as writer, to Italian – the language of the culture that she deeply loves -  also explains her devotion to translation into Italian (see also, for instance, the recent collection of Italian Short Stories she edited for Penguis Books). Ties is the first of Starnone’s novels Lahiri translates into English (to be followed by Trick - original title: Scherzetto).

The fortune of a book is largely constructed by the collaboration of critics, publishers, editors and translators, committed to bringing a foreign text to the attention of a specific national audience. The task of the translator, more precisely, is to enhance the cultural potential of a text,  and transfer it authentically into the target culture;  Venuti’s foreignization or domestication divide can be bypassed with the strict relationship existing between authors, and the mutual involvement in and exchange of languages may represent a guarantee of genuine transmission of a text. In Lahiri’s version, her English translation of the Italian work,  may be viewed simultaneously as the linguistic expression of a  WE representative by birth, an ENL  speaker by growth and education, and Italian cultural immigrant by choice. The strange case of Jhumpa Lahiri, as  writer, makes her a quite intriguing translator. In this talk some of her choices and solutions as translator will be analyzed: we trust that the personality, style, and cultural background of the two authors will impact favorably in classroom settings, too, as an example of cross-fertilization between languages and cultures.



PRIN Roma Tre Unit


PRIN Roma Tre Unit Conference: Seminario conclusivo del progetto PRIN 

ELF PEDAGOGY: ELF in teacher education and teaching materials. "Connecting ELF research to the language classroom"

Marina Morbiducci: "Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs from the PRIN survey: findings and challenges for an ELF-aware approach in ELT".



This talk will briefly report and comment on a set of questions selected from the PRIN research survey related to teachers’ attitudes and beliefs, investigating their understanding of teaching English in a time of change when English is not just a ‘foreign’ language, but often the only possibility of contact in a complex plurilingual society, therefore used as a lingua franca.  Here ELT practices and beliefs are explored, framed in an ELF perspective, also envisaging a sociolinguistic constructivist approach with innovative pedagogical implications.



Lecce Prin Conference, University of Salento,  4-6 December, 2019. 

PRIN - Roma Tre Unit

English as a Lingua Franca: challenges and new paradigms for native and non native teachers,  insights from the language classrooms and implications for teacher education



AIA Conference, University of Padua, 6-8 September, 2019

PRIN - Roma Tre Unit -"English as a Lingua Franca: challenges and new paradigms for native and non native teachers, insights from the language classrooms and implications for teacher education"

Marina Morbiducci: "Exploring ELT practices, teachers’ professional profile and beliefs: what implications for the classroom?"



Il simposio internazionale English Lingua Franca: Expanding Scenarios and Growing Dilemmas

Inizia oggi alle 15.30.

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You are welcome!



International Symposium

April 6-7, 2017

English Lingua Franca: Expanding Scenarios and Growing Dilemmas

Sapienza University, Rector’s Building, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - Rome

Il simposio internazionale “English Lingua Franca: Expanding Scenarios and Growing Dilemmas” (che si tiene presso il Rettorato, Aula degli organi collegiali e Sala multimediale, il  6-7 aprile, 2017) propone all’attenzione della comunità scientifica operante nell’ambito del Global/ized English e English Lingua Franca le tematiche emergenti di trasversalità, necessità e criticità dei contesti in cui l’Inglese si trova ad intervenire oggi,  spesso come unico mezzo di contatto tra parlanti di diverse lingue e culture, tra loro spesso distanti, quando non conflittuali. La mediazione attuata dall’Inglese, a livello comunicativo e interculturale, in uno scenario sempre più allargato, verrà qui osservata nella sua funzione sociolinguistica di Lingua Franca (ELF) – tracciandone lo stato dell’arte e ipotizzandone al tempo stesso i possibili sviluppi futuri, sia in ambito accademico (English Mediated Instruction), che specializzato (English Special Purposes) e didattico (English Language Teaching). Alcuni dei maggiori esperti di fama internazionale (sono invitati dodici professori da varie parti del globo e d’Italia  - tra cui ci onorerà la partecipazione del Professore Emerito Henry Widdowson dell’Università di Londra, della Prof.ssa Barbara Seidlhofer, Vienna University,  Prof. Maurizio Gotti, Università di Bergano, Prof.ssa Maria Grazia Guido, Unisalento, Lecce, ed altri importanti esperti di ELF) si confronteranno su tali istanze, aprendosi al dialogo di fronte ad un pubblico di esperti, ricercatori, studenti e anche professori delle scuole, per un’ampia ricaduta educativa oltre che linguistica. Un evento di respiro globale in linea con il potenziamento dell’internazionalizzazione e apertura al mondo da parte del nostro Ateneo.


It is an incontrovertible fact that at present we are witnessing “an unprecedented linguistic situation” in which “a language has reached truly global dimensions, across continents, domains, and social strata” (Seidlhofer, 2011). This phenomenon has indubitably “been accelerated by the dramatic expansion of electronic communication through the internet” (Seidlhofer, 2011).  At the same time,  “we girdle as we google” (Widdowson, 2016), and  “along with this international digital medium of communication there is also an international linguistic means of communication available to exploit it. This is English, English as a lingua franca, ELF” (Widdowson, 2016).

ELF as a contact language - with a specific sociolinguistic function, yet a differentiated identity according to place, time, and context - is in constant growth and expansion. Scholars, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and, most of all, users (“languagers”, the language shapers), in front of the enormous potentialities of expression  (individual, collective, interactive) made possible by the ELF repertoire, are also facing criticalities, contradictions, dilemmas. The sphere of users is so vast and unrestrainable that experts cannot but observe and constantly investigate its real developments. Corpora, collections of statistical data, scientific surveys, questionnaires, interviews, practical applications, and so on, provide safe ground of inquiry, but what can we envisage for the future, to the benefit of the whole global community of ELF users? In front of the critical situations generated by the migratory flows (with their social, cultural, political, religious and economic conflicts, in which ELF plays the major role of principal, sometimes solely, mediator), in front of an enlarged and more and more diversified community of ELF speakers at universities, schools, and occupational realms, the field of research and study of ELF is thrilling, sometimes dizzying: creating occasions of debate and international confrontation becomes a necessary task operated by academic and educational institutions.

The International Symposium “English Lingua Franca: Expanding Scenarios and Growing Dilemmas” aims at gathering together the most vibrant voices in the field, to exchange, share and discuss their recent findings. The encounter of ELF with English Medium Instruction, English Special Purposes, English Language Teaching and Teacher Training, in their overlapping manifestations within such designed sociolinguistic frame of reference, in both diachronic and synchronic perspectives, will hopefully enrich and endow with renewed energies all participants believing in the ecosystem of language/s.

Registration at:

Further information at:


7-9 dicembre 2016

Seminario su "Research Methodology" condotto dalla Prof.ssa Lydia Sciriha, University of Malta.


28 novembre 2016

Moderatore alla tavola rotonda del Seminario in Studi Americani, "The Dominant and the Subaltern", h. 17.00-18.30, Centro Studi Americani, Via Caetani 32, Roma. Interverranno alla tavola rotonda: Paola Boi, Stefano Luconi, Alessandro Portelli, Paola Zaccaria.

19 novembre 2016

Speaker al convegno annuale di TESOL-Italy, con una talk dal titolo: "Revisiting Black Mountain College: An Experiment in Community",  h. 14.30, Polo Didattico Piazza Oderisi da Gubbio, Roma.

11 novembre 2016

Presentazione del libro M/Other (2015)  a cura di C. Giorcelli e M. Morbiducci, Editore Guida, Napoli,  presso la Biblioteca comunale di Rocca Priora, h. 17.30. 

In onda, nella trasmissione "Passioni", Radio Tre, l'intervista condotta da Flavia Piccinni. M. Morbiducci parla di Gertrude Stein e delle traduzioni italiane da lei pubblicate. Trasmissione scaricabile in podcast.

19 giugno 2016

Comune di Rocca Priora

 Ufficio Socio-Culturale


è lieta di invitarla alla presentazione del libro

M/Other. Scansioni di alterità.

A cura di Cristina Giorcelli e Marina Morbiducci

Guida Editori, Napoli, 2015

VENERDì 11 novembre

ORE 17.30

Biblioteca Comunale "Luigi Porcari"

Via Francesco Giacci , 3- Rocca Priora

Intervengono:  Marina Morbiducci (Sapienza) e Maria Cristina Giorcelli (Roma3), curatrici del volume; Gioia Lussana (Sapienza), Malgorzata Sacha (Cracovia), Romina Rossi (Sapienza).

Presenta Raffaele Torella (Sapienza).

Il volume - dedicato alla figura della Madre, che è e può essere anche Altro - contiene nove saggi, inerenti varie discipline, che spaziano dalla storia alla biologia, dalla teologia alla psicanalisi, dalla letteratura italiana a quella americana, dalla linguistica al sanscrito, e così via, dalle cui visuali emergono le complessità di realizzazioni contrastanti e declinazioni multiple del concetto di maternità e sua alterità. 

13 giugno 2016

Presentazione del libro M/Other. Scansioni di alterità,  a cura di C. Giorcelli e M. Morbiducci, presso il Centro Studi Americani, Via M. Caetani, 32, Roma, h. 17.00.

Ingresso libero.

A seguire aperitivo con prodotti locali.

Tutti gli studenti sono i benvenuti.

Intervengono i Proff. R. Torella, M. Arcangeli, Andrea Mariani.

18 febbraio: Invited speaker presso Università di Macerata, per il day launch del gruppo locale Marche di TESOL Italy: "Once I had a teacher". Closing plenary dal titolo "Can ELF inspire ELT? ('let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments...')".

30-31 marzo: organizer and coordinator of two-day seminar on Digital Humanities, hosting visiting Prof. Mauro Carassai from California State University, Los Angeles, Northridge.

28 aprile: Invited guest at Ceremony Laurea Honoris Causa for Emeritus Henry G. Widdowson, University of Salento, Lecce.

13 giugno: Presentazione del libro M/Other. Scansioni di alterità,  a cura di C. Giorcelli e M. Morbiducci, presso il Centro Studi Americani, Via M. Caetani, 32, Roma, h. 17.00. Intervengono i Proff. R. Torella, M. Arcangeli, Andrea Mariani

19 giugno: In onda, nella trasmissione "Passioni", Radio Tre, l'intervista condotta da Flavia Piccinni. M. Morbiducci parla di Gertrude Stein e delle traduzioni italiane da lei pubblicate. Trasmissione scaricabile in podcast.

23 settembre: AISNA Annual Conference, Università di Perugia.

Viene eletta nel nuovo Direttivo, 2016-2019.

26-28 settembre: partecipa all'Anglo-Italian Conference, University of Malta. Talk on British poet Charles Tomlinson, "Italian Places: Revisited".


10-24 febbraio: docenza TFA classe A345.

11-12 marzo: missione per il comitato Sicily Summer Camp, progetto di formazione linguistica per discenti e docenti, sotto l'egida di Ambasciata USA e TESOL-Italy.

22-26 marzo: partecipazione come relatore al convegno internazionale sul Bilingualism, University of Malta, con una relazione su: "Elf and creativity: the role of idioms in international students’ interactional exchanges via social networks.  A case study from Sapienza University, Rome”.

25 marzo: lecture presso il Dip. d'Italiano dell'Università di Malta su: "Franco Fortini e la traduzione: servizio, vocazione, rapimento".

27 marzo: presentazione volume "Modes and Facets of the American Scene. Studies in Honor of Cristina Giorcelli", presso il centro culturale francese di Roma.

22 aprile: presentazione volume "Modes and Facets of the American Scene. Studies in Honor of Cristina Giorcelli", Università di Chieti-Pescara.

26 maggio: partecipazione a Kevin Brophy's poetry reading, John Cabot University, Rome. See

12 settembre: partecipazione come relatore a convegno annuale AIA (Associazione Italiana Anglisti), con un paper dal titolo: "With a little ELF from my friends: Elf and Creativity and the ISO Case".

25 settembre: partecipazione come relatore a convegno annuale AISNA (Associazione Italiana Studi Nord Americani), Napoli, "L'Orientale", con un intervento dal titolo: "Franco Fortini and Poetry Translation: service, vocation and rapture ('But, please, not too much genius')".

13 novembre: partecipazione come relatore a convegno annuale TESOL Italy con un talk dal titolo"With a little ELF from my friends...".

21-25 dicembre: visiting professor presso Kobe City University of Foreign Studies. Impartito corso intensivo (30 ore) in Translation Studies.


26 novembre 2014: incontro con dr. Gemma Maria Alonso dell'Università di Alicante, presso il Dip. ISO, Sani.

27-28 novembre:  speaker al convegno internazionale dal titolo "Living Roots - Living Routes" presso L'Orientale di Napoli.

4 dicembre: partecipazione all'incontro internazionale organizzato dall'ACA, a Bruxelles, sul tema dell'EMI (English Medium Instruction).

9, 11 e 12 novembre: visita della docente in teaching mobility per lo scambio Erasmus con l'Università di Malta, Prof. Lydia Sciriha, 11 e 12 novembre: lectures sul Maltese English.

6 e 13 dicembre: sessioni d'esame CAE e FCE per certificazione Cambridge English Language Assessment, presso il centro autorizzato IT461.

18 dicembre: incontro con delegazione australiana (Melbourne): 28 studenti universitari che incontreranno i gli studenti di primo e secondo anno, Inglese, ISO.



Comune di Rocca Priora

 Ufficio Socio-Culturale

    tel: 06.94284-210

    fax: 06.94284236